Scales for home
Medical and home scales are for weighing various loads at home. Verification of home scales is not accomplished as they are not for weighing products in trade operations.
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Medical scales Tekhnovagy ТВ1-150 without height meter are used for measuring weight of human body. The scales can be used at enterprises, schools, hospitals etc.
Medical scales ТВ1-200 are used for measuring weight of human body. The scales can be used at home, cultural, healthy and sport establishments. Besides, the scales can be used at schools, day nurseries etc.
Scales for newborns with the height meter ТВЕ1-20-10-(300х550)-12ра-М
Medical scales ТВ1-150 with height meter are used for measuring weight and height. The scales can be used at schools, hospitals. The scales are notable for high accuracy and up-to-date design.
Electronic scale for babies RADWAG WLC 10/20D, equipment for doctor’s consulting rooms, wards. Metrological certificate.
Весы до 15 кг. Весы с сертификатом поверки и соответствия. Ложемент съемный для взвешивания детей в положении стоя.
Весы с ростомером с НПВ 250 кг. Питание от сети 220 В и от аккумулятора. ЖК-дисплей с подсветкой. Измерение роста: от 90 до 200 см.
Electronic baby scales Momert 6475 have three weighing modes. The scales can be used for weighing newborns, babies up to 20 kg.
«Body scale» 200 А12Е — электронные весы для измерения массы тела человека. НПВ — 200 кг. Размер платформы — 300 х 400 мм.