Currency counters

Currency counter PRO 15. Model PRO 15 can be used as mobile currency counter – in the stores, in the car, at the market, etc. Pay your attention: currency counter PRO 15 – is original and symbolical present for any holiday.


4 600 UAH

Currency counter PRO-35 combines compact currency counter and multifunctional currency detector. Currency counter PRO-35 can be used in car, it can be connected through the adapter to the cigarette lighter.


4 800 UAH

Currency counter PRO-40 U-NEO. The Vostok company presents currency counter of “economy” category PRO-40 U-NEO. This currency counter machine is great choice for currency exchanges, offices, filling stations, stores, pawnshops.


8 000 UAH

Currency counter PRO 40 U LCD

Banknote counter Native NV-520UV

Professional banknote counter PRO 87U has a wide range of functions and ensures high quality of work.

Banknote counter NATIVE NV-2110

Banknote counter Magner 35S

Banknote counter Magner 75 D

Banknote counter PRO 150 CL/U

Профессиональный счетчик банкнот банковского класса. Используется в банках, кассах, крупных магазинах, офисах и на АЗК.

PRO NC-3500

41 120 UAH

Sorter PRO NC-3500 provides fast and accurate counting of banknotes.

К-8820 UV

Price not specified

Banknote counter К-8820 UV

Hitachi iH110

Price not specified

Двухкарманный счетчик-сортировщик банковского класса (USD, EURO, гривна, рубль) до 9 валют. Скорость пересчета до 1300 б/мин. Цветной сенсорный дисплей.

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