Mobile printers

Mobile receipt printer HPRT MPT2

Citizen CMP-20II — is a compact, reliable and highly productive mobile printer. This printer is for printing any receipts and labels. The printing method is direct thermal. The printing width – 48 mm. Interfaces – USB, Serial.

Mobile label printer TSC Alpha-2R ВТ

Printer Alpha-3R protected (IP54), is for receipt printing, endures falls from 1.5 m height.

Mobile printer Citizen СМР-30

Label printer Toshiba B-EP2DL

Alpha-3R WLAN

30 822 UAH

Мобильный, компактный и легкий принтер для печати термоэтикеток и чеков. Беспроводная связь Wi-fi для удобства работы и подключения к ПК или терминалу сбора данных.

Mobile thermal label printer Toshiba B-EP4DL

Mobile printer Citizen CMP-40L Bluetooth

Label printer Zebra RW 220 is for printing small editions, providing movable part of price tags, marking labels for shelves, baskets etc. Bluetooth option gives facility of printing without interface cable with data communication by radio. Please, call our managers to specify price.


Price not specified


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