Restaurants and cafes automation system
Restaurants and cafes automation is an advantage of your business. Currently automation of cafes and restaurants is necessary to keep your business competitive. Automation of each process saves time for servicing clients, cuts down expenditures, helps to execute orders accurately and control the whole situation.
In the whole world optimization of sales process plays crucial role in any prospering business. The main equipment for restaurant, café or bar automation is POS-terminals and POS-printers. Moreover CCTV system can be installed in any establishment.
POS-terminal is for automation of operators, cashiers, barmen, waiters work and helps automate and speed up the process of clients servicing.
POS-printers are used at kitchen for printing orders, also at worksite of barman or waiter for printing receipts and bills.
No less important part of automation system is software. The most popular software for automation is Microinvest. Microinvest programs are easy-to-use and have minimum demands to capacity of computer equipment. This is reasonably priced, simple and efficient solution for automation. Part of soft-hardware which automates the functions of clients servicing, is called Front office. Waiter enters order on POS-terminal with touch display. Formed order is printed on POS-printer which is situated at the kitchen. When dishes are prepared, a chef informs a waiter about it. The receipt is given to a visitor in the form of prereceipt with detailed description of all dishes, services and other useful information. Currently printed receipt is an integral part of servicing standard.
Back-office is a worksite of automation system. This is a worksite of director, manager, economist, storekeeper, accountant and other office employees.
The advantages of restaurant automation are the following:
- Accounting of complex lunches and types of products.
- Operational planning of purchasing, producing and selling.
- Sole accounting data base.
- Data exchange with various front-office systems.
- Managerial balance, status of clients and suppliers’ orders.
- Work with discount and club cards.
- Protection from pilfering.
Automation improves service quality due to:
- Accuracy and speeding up of receiving guests.
- Provision of up-to-date management methods and operational centralized control over restaurant business.
- Conduction of sole client’s card account.
- Ensuring customers loyalty due to flexible discount, bonus systems.
Purchasing of software and equipment for automation of restaurant is not expenditures but investments. Restaurant and café automation system ensures efficient management and positively influences economic results of enterprise.
Restaurant business automation really helps to carrying out employees’ functions – production managers, technologists, chefs, storekeepers, accountants etc.
Café and restaurant automation helps to optimize circulation of documents, put warehouse in order. Often employees work in shifts and lack time for exchanging information – however automation solves this problem. All the data is stored in the integrated system for simple and comfortable work. Nowadays restaurant automation is necessary to be competitive and successful.