Web Passport

Web passport is a unique web page of a product unit. On this page, you can check the originality of the product, ensure full protection against counterfeiting, provide extended information to the buyer: reference data, service support, registration, participation in promotions and marketing events, creation of your own referral network. In addition to interaction with the buyer, the use of a web passport allows you to establish control over the distribution network and full management of the accreditation of retail outlets.

The basic functionality of the web passport operates on the basis of a multifunctional web platform for manufacturing enterprises and brand owners OriginalWebrozum. The system can be deployed as an addition to an existing enterprise or brand website, as an independent website for a manufacturing enterprise or brand support. Important! For companies producing products under different trademarks, stylization for each trademark is provided separately. The buyer scanning the QR code of the web passport will see a page designed in accordance with the style of the product trademark.

Product unit detailing is selected taking into account the product and consumer application. It can be on each product or its packaging, or on a box, or on a pallet. Some companies practice the gradual introduction of accounting and quality control detailing. At the beginning, web passports are entered on pallets, then the web passport code of the box is added and then, as the top of accounting, control and protection of products from counterfeiting, the web passport of each unit of production is entered.

The QR code of the web passport can be printed on the packaging label, on the embroidery tag or applied directly to the product using the direct marking method. Each production has its own technology for tracking production and generating data for printing the QR code.

The industry application of the web passport is the most extensive, almost any product from raw materials to finished products can be either marked with the QR code of the web passport or be in the package with this marking. It is important that you do not need any special application to work with the web passport, a regular smartphone with access to the Internet or to the internal corporate network of the enterprise is enough. For many types of products, such as coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages, medicines - the web passport is practically the only effective tool for protecting original products from counterfeiting. Any other methods - holograms, special packaging, hidden markings are ineffective and are counterfeited almost instantly. There were cases when counterfeit products appeared on the market even before official deliveries from production.

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