What is portable data terminal?
Portable data terminal – is a device for prompt product data collection. Basically, it is used for inventory at warehouse, for products receipt or expenditure registration and other operations in the warehouse sector; traveling (mobile) trade; logistics, courier delivery.
Portable data terminal represents portable device – compact mobile portable computer with processor and internal memory.
Portable data terminal is equipped with display and various data entering devices: functional keyboards or touch display, embedded barcode or RFID marks scanner, magnetic cards reader (optionally) and wireless connection. Memory expansion is provided for some models.
Portable data terminal performs collection of the data about the product via barcode or RFID marks reading, also storage, accumulation, processing and data transmitting into informational system (database). Most of the models have data entering without keyboard function. When the data is collected, the operator sends it to the personal computer for further data processing. The terminal can be connected to the computer in different ways: specific stand, connected to the serial port, this stand can be battery charger, infrared port, Bluetooth, wired connections, access points Wi-Fi etc.
Some portable data terminals can be connected to barcode printers. In such a way, inventory and barcode printing are performed simultaneously. Moreover, if there are damaged or incorrect labels on the products, they can be reprinted and changed on the spot.
All the portable data terminals are equipped with software, it enables to integrate the terminal with business-processes of the enterprise. One of the most popular software systems for data terminals is Windows CE with usual PC interface.
Due to its compact sizes, weight and simplicity of implementation, portable data terminal is rather reliable and easy-to-use. Specific moisture- and dustproof terminals with shockproof case can be designed especially for industrial enterprises.
Vostok Company offers wide range of portable data terminals. Moreover, the range is constantly extending.
If you cannot choose the necessary data terminal, please, call us by phone +38 068 405-41-11, send your requests to e-mail vostok@pkf.dp.ua or via feedback form. Our specialists will provide all the necessary information and help you to choose the terminal that will meet all your requirements. The warranty for terminals is provided by producers and Vostok Company service center. Purchasing equipment from Vostok Company, you get qualitative service support.