Perfumery and cosmetics store “Belleza”: modernization of storage accounting system

In the perfumery and cosmetics store “Belleza”, due to client’s requirements, storage accounting system was updated. The client set next objectives: to speed up process of accounting and movement of goods, reduce terms of production delivery into warehouses, matching goods items with orders of small-batch clients, shipping of goods to consumers, inventory of storage stocks, to perform efficient control over goods relocation from storage to another one. Besides, in result of modernization, the store “Belleza” planned to cut down mistakes of personnel when they work with wide product assortment.

Printing bar codes with printer labels Desktop label printer TDP-245. Workplace steward. Warehouse kosmeriki and perfumesSpecific feature of that project was merchandise itself (perfumery) and it’s wide range – several thousands of various items. Whereas every perfumery package (scents, colognes) is very small, specialists of the Vostok Company with store supervisors made joint decision to mark goods by 30×20 mm paper labels with title and bar codes. For printing information on labels, thermal transfer printer TSC TTP-245 is used with black and blue ink ribbons. This way of printing is rational: information must stay on the label for 1 year and more not only for using in this store but also for small-batch clients.

Black and blue ribbons allow performing of efficient visual control during inventory process. So far as print intensity is small (2000-5000 labels per day), we decided to use instead of industrial label printer, several office printers. It allows performing maintenance and repairs of printers without discontinuance of storage processes (every supervisor knows about personnel irresponsible behavior with equipment). While one printer is repairing, another one is printing labels, it helps to avoid downtimes.

For reading bar codes of marked goods such equipments were used: bar code scanners Symbol LS-2208, Metrologic MS-9540 and data terminals Casio DT-930 with specialized software and cradles for data exchange between terminals and PC. Though this date terminal is equipped with Bluetooth, wireless solution wasn’t used because of technical considerations. Specific feature of this product accounting is using several bar codes for one type of merchandise; it was taken into consideration not only in accounting program but in development of exclusive software of data terminals Casio DT-930.

Accounting for goods in stock, cosmetics and perfumes -- Bar Code Scan equipped mobile computer CASIO DT-930 Working place of the store man. During work from accounting program store man receives information about goods and orders that must to be read by bar code terminal, than he choose nomenclatural items for order forming and makes it ready for shipping. Than information from terminal goes to the accounting program. On the base of processed data by the store man, expenditure document are being formed. The Vostok Company optimized software of data terminals Casio DT-930 in order to achieve goals. Interface is easy-to-use, that’s why even without any technical skills new workers are able to cope with data terminals.

After realization of project, our client noticed acceleration in movement of goods, and reduction of mistake during collection of goods and forming goods list in the document. It may safely be said that set objective was achieved. In perspective the client is considering the possibility and counting reasonability of point-of-use storage adoption and also planning to open a web store Data exchange with accounting program will be automated - off-loads, price updates, order processing from the web site.

Besides accounting system automation in the store “Belleza”, our company maintains installed equipment, and supplies it with consumables. So client uses full set of our service .

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