Currency detector DORS 60

Price not specified

DORS® is registered trade mark of company “SISTEMA”

General descriptions
Producer of equipmentDORS, Chin
Technical descriptions
Type of controlUV
A typeDesktop
InspectionManual (viewing)
Power consumption14 watts
не более
PowerСеть 220В
Dimensions, mm190х101х128

Purchase and delivery terms

You may purchase Currency detector DORS 60 by sending order from our website, by calling (056) 370-18-18 or sending request to e-mail Delivering from Dnepropetrovsk to all the regions of Ukraine (Kiev, Kharkov, Donetsk, Lvov, Odessa and other regions). Purchasing Currency detector DORS 60 in the Vostok company, you get qualitative service support, warranty, information and advisory support.
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